Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
~Elizabeth Andrew
Board of Directors
President / Founder
Fr. Vincent Arisukwu
Fr. Vincent is a priest from Nigeria, currently serving at Christ the King Church in Maryland. Born into a large family, Fr. Vin appreciates family spirituality. Founder of the Family Apostolate, he holds a master’s degrees in Theology, and Communication. In 2024, he earned his doctorate from Eastern University in Marriage and Family Therapy.
Vice President / Administrator
Patti Rubin
Part of the Family Apostolate since its inception, Patti brings many years of professional administration to the Family Apostolate. She also maintains the website, facilitates Oremus Cenacle, photography and assists at retreats and workshops. She loves to write and teach, finding God in the little ordinary moments of life.
Secretary / Legal Counsel
John Smith, Esquire
LTC John S. Smith is a highly decorated soldier, lawyer, commercial pilot, and community leader. In addition to Board Secretary, John serves as the Family Apostolate legal counsel. He brings years of community leadership to the team.
Director / Treasurer
Benjamin Dadzie
A certified public accountant (CPA), Ben earned his doctorate at Capella University. He is responsible for the Family Apostolate finances and assures conformity with all local, state and federal tax laws.
Director / Orphanage Fundraising Chair
Maureen Tomcala
Maureen joined the team in 2021. She brings faith, love of God, and joy of family as well as care and concern for all children. She is happy to be assisting in raising funds to build the orphanage, Emeka House, in Nigeria.
Director / Orphanage Fundraising Team
Paula Maria Gentile
Paula brings more than 50 years of years of experience in volunteer and paid service in the field of Special Education. As a special education teacher, she was the case manager for many students involving physical, occupational, speech, hearing, visual, behavioral, and medical issues.
Director / Spiritual Enrichment
Patti Sadler
Providing full time nursing care over the past 37 years, Patti's career has afforded her many opportunities to impact the lives of others. She assists the orphanage fundraising team, helps facilitate Oremus Cenacle, and facilitates faith enrichment for Family Apostolate volunteers. .