Retreats & Workshops
1st Retreat for African Catholics in MD February 3rd - 5th
Theme: ALL YOU WHO LABOR! (Matt. 11:28)

Are you an African immigrant in the US?
Do you see yourself laboring so much?
Do you work hard to take care of families, extended relations, and needy friends?
Do you find yourself stressing out to meet so many demands?
Are you wondering how to start the year 2023?
This retreat is simply for you!!
Holy Mass
Inspirational Talks and Teachings
Praise and Worship Songs
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Special Healing Prayers
Blessings to Start the New Year
Day 1: Identification with Christ: "What do you want?"
These are the first recorded words of Jesus in the Gospel of John. He knew they were seeking Him but He also wanted them to think and come to the knowledge on their own. We are all searching for God in one way or another. Because many of us are struggling to find our spiritual identity, we tend to run. We run to work, shopping, sports, schools for our kids, school for ourselves, yet we remain unsatisfied. We sometimes run from friends and even ourselves. Most tragically, we can find ourselves running from the Lord too. “I’m busy. Work is so much. School is a lot.”
What do you want? The more you come to Jesus, the more you will discover clarity about the real values in your life.
Day 2: Connection with Christ: “Where do you live?”
The disciples wanted to follow Jesus home. Have you ever asked yourself that question? Where does Jesus live in your life? Have you made space for Him? Where can you find Him? Often, there can be feelings that you’re not living as your heart desires. You might say to yourself, “this is not the real me.” Yet, you continue the hectic pace of life because you feel trapped as if there’s nothing you can do about it. But there is something you can do about it. Perhaps, you’re financially strapped. Perhaps, you’re emotionally troubled. Perhaps, you’re just exhausted. Perhaps, your relationship with the Lord has waned and you’re not sure how to return to Him?
Where do you live, Lord? Jesus lives in a home of total peace, connection, joy, love, and friendship. He invites you to come and see.
Day 3: Transformation in Christ: “Come and see”
What does holiness in the real world look like? Freedom from the attachment of material and worldly entanglements comes from a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. How can you experience Jesus deeply? What would a personal encounter look like for you? Jesus promises, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (Jn. 14:23).
Transformation in Christ will bring the peace, connection, joy, love and friendship that you seek. Come and see.
Join us for our first African Retreat for Catholics in Maryland!

Retreat Moderators
Fr. Vincent Arisukwu (Host)
Associate Pastor, Christ the King & St. Bernadette Parishes
Glen Burnie/Severn, Maryland
Fr. Albert Nze
Pastor,Blessed Sacrament St. Charles Borremeo Church
Newark, New Jersey
Fr. Vincent Arisukwu/Fr. Albert Nze
Featuring Music by Sam Rock
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